1. 人権に対する基本的な考え方
2. 適用範囲
3. 人権尊重の責任
4. 人権デュー・ディリジェンス
5. 対話・協議
6. 教育・研修
7. 救済・是正
8. 責任者
9. 情報開示
10. 適用法令
Techno Ryowa Group Human Rights Policy
Techno Ryowa and its group companies (“the Techno Ryowa Group”) states in its Management Philosophy, "we aim to be a company that is widely “trusted” by our customers through environmental engineering as its core business”. The “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR),” we aim to achieve is to grow sustainability together with the whole society by creating value and earning the trust of our stakeholders through all of our business activities. In order to truly contribute to the realization of a sustainable society, we have established the Techno Ryowa Group Human Rights Policy (“the Policy”) as a guideline for fulfilling the responsibility of respecting human rights of all persons affected by our business activities, products, and services.
1. Basic Concept on Respect for Human Rights
In accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Techno Ryowa Group supports and respects the United Nations International Bill of Human Rights which stipulates the fundamental human rights of all persons, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and other relevant international codes of conduct related to human rights (“the international codes of conduct”). As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, we also support, comply with, and practice its ten principles, including principles in the areas of human rights and labor.
The Policy commits the Techno Ryowa Group to respect human rights based on our Corporate Philosophy, Corporate Ethics Code of Conduct, Techno Ryowa CSR Procurement Policy, and related internal policies and regulations, in order to fulfill our responsibility for respecting human rights of our stakeholders.
2. Scope of Application
The Policy applies to all officers and employees of the Techno Ryowa Group (including corporate advisors, part-timers, temporary employees, contract employees and registered /transferred seconded employees). We will also encourage our business partners including cooperating companies involved in our business activities, products, and services to support and respect the Policy and will promote respect for human rights throughout our supply chain.
3. Responsibility to Respect Human Rights
The Techno Ryowa Group will respect the fundamental human rights of all persons, with reference to the international codes of conduct. We recognize that our business activities, products, and services may directly or indirectly have adverse impacts on human rights. As a member of the local community, we will keep in mind coexistence with the local community and endeavor to ensure that our business activities, products, and services do not cause or contribute to adverse impacts on human rights. We prohibit all forms of discrimination and harassment and will not engage in any acts that violate individual dignity, discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, creed, gender, age, social status, nationality, ethnicity, religion, physical characteristics, sexual orientation, gender identity, or the presence or absence of disabilities. We will also prohibit forced labor and child labor, and endeavor to ensure appropriate working conditions and provide a safe and healthy work environment for workers to work comfortably.
4. Human Rights Due Diligence
The Techno Ryowa Group will establish a human rights due diligence system in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We will seek ways to identify, prevent and mitigate adverse human rights impacts of our business activities, products, and services on our stakeholders.
5. Dialogue and Consultation
In the process of implementing the Policy, the Techno Ryowa Group will apply independent external expertise on human rights and will engage in dialogue and consultation with our stakeholders in good faith. In addition, we will grasp internal and external opinions and endeavor to develop an effective internal system.
6. Education and Training
The Techno Ryowa Group will endeavor to ensure that all officers and employees are fully aware of the Policy and to conduct appropriate education and awareness-raising activities so that the Policy is incorporated into all business activities and effectively implemented. We will also endeavor to raise awareness of our cooperating companies through the Techno Ryowa Health and Safety Cooperative Association and other means.
7. Remedies and Corrections
In case that the Techno Ryowa Group recognizes that any of its business activities, products, or services have caused or contributed to any adverse human rights impacts, we will seek to remedy and correct such impacts through dialogue with the adversely affected stakeholders and appropriate procedures in accordance with the international codes of conduct.
8. Responsible Personnel
The Techno Ryowa Group designates the President and Representative Director as the officer in charge of implementing the Policy and supervising the status of its implementation.
9. Information Disclosure
The Techno Ryowa Group will appropriately disclose the progress and results of its efforts to respect human rights on its website or in other media.
10. Applicable Laws and Regulations
The Techno Ryowa Group will comply with the laws and regulations and respect social norms of each country or region in which it operates. If there is a conflict between the international codes of conduct and the laws and regulations in each country, we will seek ways to respect for the international codes of conduct to the greatest possible extent while complying with the local laws and regulations.
The Policy has been prepared with internal and external expert advice, approved by our Board of Directors, and signed by the President and Representative Director of the Techno Ryowa Ltd..