Financial Data

TECHNO RYOWA LTD. and Consolidated Subsidiaries Financial Data


Ordinary Income

Net Income Attributable
to Owners of The Parent

Book Value per Share

Net Income per Share

Equity Ratio



2020-03 2021-03 2022-03 2023-03 2024-03
Revenues (million JPY ) 60,926 54,871 56,905 61,030 73,688
Ordinary Income (million JPY ) 4,505 2,128 3,385 3,557 6,374
Net Income Attributable
to Owners of The Parent
(million JPY ) 2,927 1,234 2,237 2,339 4,506
Comprehensive Income (million JPY ) 2,076 3,899 1,719 1,695 7,594
Total Equity (million JPY ) 38,477 41,282 42,462 43,375 49,186
Total Assets (million JPY ) 59,309 62,443 63,698 63,457 76,228
Book Value per Share (JPY ) 1,737.05 1,896.12 1,950.36 1,992.31 2,337.72
Net Income per Share (JPY ) 132.18 56.11 102.76 107.43 209.44
Equity Ratio (%) 64.9 66.1 66.7 68.4 64.5
ROE (%) 7.8 3.1 5.3 5.4 9.7
PER (times) 5.8 15.6 8.3 8.1 9.7
Cash Flow
from Operating Activities
(million JPY ) 2,502 1,136 904 -157 -1453
Cash Flow
from Investing Activities
(million JPY ) -313 -1,295 -130 -625 -340
Cash Flow from Financing Activities (million JPY ) -629 -1,113 -565 -883 -1723
Balance of Cash
and Cash Equivalents
at End of Year
(million JPY ) 14,899 13,686 13,968 12,340 8,847
Number of employees 844 848 870 901 899

Reportable Segments Orders Received